In the majority of cases an implant can be placed under local anesthetic in the practice chair.

For more complex cases or, if requested, Dr Barker is able to do implants under a general anesthetic in the practice rooms or in hospital.

As dental implants may require one or more procedures Dr Barker will complete a detailed evaluation and complete a treatment plan that is tailored to your particular situation. He will review x-rays and scans and consider how many of your teeth can be replaced and the condition of your jawbone.  Dr Barker may refer you for additional x-rays such as a CT scan which provides 3D imaging of the implant area.

Your treatment plan may involve consulting with an Oral Surgeon, or a Prosthodontist.  Dr Barker will discuss your treatment plan with your general dentist and provide you with the best approach within your expectations and budget.

At the first stage of treatment (preparation of the implant hole) gum and bone treatment to receive the implant is undertaken.

The implant is then inserted and covered over by the gum and left to heal around the implant for 3 to 6 months.  A temporary plate/denture can be made for use during the healing process if the tooth is required for eating or if it is within your smile line.


In the second stage of the procedure the top of the implant is uncovered and a healing abutment is placed.

Generally 2 to 4 weeks later the construction of a permanent crown can commence.  Where a tooth is within the smile line, to optimise the appearance of the gums a series of temporary crowns may be used to condition the area in preparation for the permanent crown.

The implant crown –will be made for you at the dental laboratory, this will then be attached to the implant which was surgically placed. Please note as we are a specialist clinical it is common practice for this last stage to be performed by your referring dentist.